Backing Innovators with Ideas for Change
Our Approach
The Global Innovation Fund finds and funds innovations with the potential to transform the lives of people living on less than $5 a day. We are a non-profit multilateral investment vehicle which places rigorous evidence and impact measurement at the core of our investment decision-making process. We back entrepreneurs and innovators with exciting ideas for change and support them on their pathway to impact at scale.

Supporting innovators
Across our portfolio, we support innovators who are committed to using and generating rigorous evidence about what works. We offer financing from USD $50,000 to $15 million, with the largest funding amounts reserved for innovations that can demonstrate evidence of success and that have potential to spread across multiple developing countries.

Realising impact potential
We are committed to scaling up successes and following through with transformative ideas until they realise their impact potential. We are willing to take informed risks to invest in the best ideas early on, and we will continue to support ideas that have proven success in achieving social impact. We expect our most successful innovations will eventually scale up to reach millions of people in developing countries with support from the private sector, developing country governments, donors or philanthropy.

Our commitment to evidence
Evidence is central to GIF's mission to improve lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. It underpins GIF's ability to act like a venture capitalist for the public good, empowering us to take informed risks in pursuit of large pay-offs, better health, better nourishment, more education and more income for the world's poor.

Innovating for Climate Resilience
GIF considers climate adaptation and resilience every time we invest. We also have a dedicated Innovating for Climate Resilience fund.
Adapting against climate shocks
GIF applies a climate lens to all of our investments. We find and fund innovations that help communities to adapt to extreme weather and build resilience to climate shocks. We believe innovation can provide cost-effective ways of improving lives today.
Innovating for Gender Equality
GIF applies a gender lens to all of our investments. We seek out innovations that increase the agency of women and girls, addressing challenges such as gender-based violence, greater participation in decision-making, access to education and employment, and greater control over assets.