
Type of Investment
Risk Capital
Project Stage
Test & Transition
Length of Investment
Investment Overview
Chrysalis is an early childhood education organisation targeting low income children in India. Chrysalis has pioneered an innovative activity based learning programme, keeping children and their development outcomes at the root of its work. Chrysalis focuses on four domains, cognitive, social, emotional, and metacognitive learning, using a holistic approach.
The Development Challenge
Public early childhood education system in India is largely focused on the health and wellbeing of children, with little attention paid to foundational learning and education. A large body of research has shown that these foundational ECD skills are essential for building a strong platform for lifelong learning and development. The lack of these skills and school readiness of young children has led parents to turn to low cost private schools, where low income families can send their children for a small fee. However, the infrastructure of such schools is deeply fragmented and informal, resulting in limited standardisation and overall poor quality of education delivery. The curriculum is often ill suited and not conducive to learning for young children, impeding their cognitive and emotional development and failing to equip them with the essential skills necessary for them to go on and thrive in their education.
The Innovation
Chrysalis has developed age appropriate, activity based learning that provides consistency and quality in affordable private schools. The aim is to overcome the growing learning crisis in developing countries.
Our Investment
Chrysalis will use GIFs investment to expand their operations, continue to develop their product offering for affordable private schools, for example through increased digitisation, and to continue to refine their teacher development and school training initiative.
Investment Objective
Chrysalis takes its activity based learning programme to affordable private schools (APS) in India and improves the classroom learning environment, teacher and management capacity and ultimately learning outcomes for students in the pre-primary and primary grades.
Why we invested
The main impact on GIF target beneficiaries is through the increased quality of affordable early childhood education for children from low income families.
However, we also hope that in the long term, by formalising the market for education service providers serving the lower end of the market (affordable private schools), GIF can unlock additional investment in the industry.
Chrysalis in numbers
students impacted in the last 20 years